Co-Curriculars at The Rock School

The Arts, Athletics, Clubs

A student drawing a bouquet of flowers on with markers.

The Arts

Explore the transformative power of the arts at The Rock School, where every student is an artist, image-bearer, and co-creator. Our program nurtures creativity in music, visual arts, theatre, and dance, providing a platform for students to develop their skills and express their vision. Join us in this creative journey to reflect the glory of God and share His story through the arts.


At The Rock School, our Physical & Health Education program nurtures every aspect of student development. Emphasizing GRIT (Growth, Resiliency, Integrity, Tenacity), we offer a comprehensive curriculum that builds strong bodies and minds. From elementary to high school, students participate in various sports, fostering teamwork, skill development, and a balanced lifestyle.​

High School boys playing soccer
Three middle school students conferring on a project around a laptop


The Rock School offers a diverse array of student clubs and co-curricular activities that foster personal growth and leadership skills. From the National Honor Society to the Thespian Society, our clubs provide opportunities for students to explore their interests, develop new skills, and make lasting friendships. Join us in building a vibrant school community through meaningful and engaging activities.​

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