Physical & Health Education + Athletics

Teaming Up for Healthy Disciplines and Skills Development.

Helping Students Develop GRIT.

At The Rock School, we believe in nurturing every aspect of our students’ development through a comprehensive Physical and Health Education (PHE) program that intertwines the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual dimensions of health. Our program is designed not only to build strong bodies but also to cultivate GRIT (Growth, Resiliency, Integrity, and Tenacity).

Sports Opportunities at The Rock School

Elementary Sports

Our elementary sports program offers K-5 students the opportunity to play in a local co-ed recreational league that emphasizes fun, teamwork, and skill development in a positive environment.

Sports: Flag Football, Basketball, & Soccer

Middle School Sports

In middle school, students have the opportunity to compete on JV and Varsity teams within the Kingdom of the Son conference, developing teamwork and individual skill as they compete for conference championships.

Sports: Volleyball, Basketball, & Soccer

High School Sports

Our high school athletics program, competing in the Sunshine Independent Athletic Association (SIAA), offers teams at the JV, Varsity, and National levels, providing a platform for students to excel and showcase their skills on a broader stage.

Sports: Soccer, Volleyball, & Basketball

What about other sports?

Students that desire to participate in a sport that we do not offer at our school, such as football, baseball, softball, or cross country, they are eligible to play for the local high school for which they are zoned.

The Rock Hoops

Looking for information on our basketball program? Visit

Core Priorities of Physical & Health Education

For students in grades K-10
The Rock School volleyball athletes celebrate after a point scored.

Knowledge and Understanding

Students gain a deep understanding of how their bodies work and how their choices impact their health. Through interactive learning about nutrition, movement, sleep, hydration, and personal habits, our students are empowered to make informed decisions that enhance their well-being.

Healthy Disciplines

Our curriculum emphasizes the practice of healthy behaviors that extend beyond physical fitness to include mental, emotional, and spiritual health. Regular opportunities for reflection help students appreciate the interconnectedness of their health dimensions and encourage a balanced lifestyle.

A high school student dribbles a basketball as a rival player approaches during the game.
A high school student dribbles his soccer ball down the field.

Skill Development and Goal Setting

Every student, regardless of their initial skill level, is encouraged to set realistic goals and strive towards them. Our program covers a diverse range of physical activities including athletics, dance, weightlifting, and more. We prioritize practice and progress, fostering a culture where growth is celebrated and setbacks are seen as new opportunities.

Community and Teamwork

The Rock School PHE classes are vibrant learning communities where students and teachers together foster an environment of mutual respect and encouragement. Emphasizing sportsmanship, competitive spirit, and communication, our program teaches students to value both individual achievement and collective effort.

Two female high school athletes compete in a game of basketball whilst one is dribbling towards the basketball hoop.

Learn more about our commitment to holistic education.

Discover the range of sports and activities we offer and how we’re helping students achieve not just athletic excellence but also a fuller, healthier life off the field.

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