Student Clubs & Co-Curriculars

Exploring personal interests and developing essential life skills

Learning Beyond the Classroom

We want to nurture not only academic excellence but also personal growth and leadership skills through a diverse array of co-curricular clubs. Each club offers unique opportunities for our students to explore their interests, develop new skills, and make lasting friendships. Here’s a glimpse of what some of our clubs have to offer:

National Honor Society

The National Honor Society (NHS) recognizes and fosters academic achievement while developing other essential qualities such as leadership, character, and service. Members engage in various community service projects and leadership roles, striving to make a positive impact both within and outside the school. This prestigious club is a wonderful opportunity for motivated students to benefit from scholarship opportunities and grow their service-oriented mindset.

Mu Alpha Theta is a national math honor society that promotes a deeper understanding and appreciation of mathematics among high school students. Club members participate in exciting math competitions and engaging problem-solving activities. It’s an excellent club for students looking to enhance their mathematical skills and compete at regional and national levels.

Our Thespian Society is perfect for students passionate about the performing arts. Members get the chance to act, direct, design sets, and work on technical aspects of theater production. The club is not only a creative outlet but also a way to develop confidence and collaboration skills, culminating in several performances throughout the school year.

The Student Council plays a crucial role in our school community by voicing student opinions and organizing school-wide activities. It’s a platform for students to develop leadership skills and learn about governance and accountability. Members plan events, spearhead campaigns, and help shape a positive school culture, making it an ideal club for future leaders.

The Yearbook Club allows students to capture school memories and milestones through photography, graphic design, and editorial writing. As part of this club, students learn about layout design, editing, and publishing, contributing to the annual yearbook that chronicles the academic year. It’s a great way for students to leave a lasting legacy at The Rock School.

At The Rock School, we also celebrate the diverse interests of our students through Student Interest Clubs. Students initiate and lead these clubs, reflecting their passions and providing a platform to connect with others who share similar interests. Here’s a look at a couple of examples:

International Club

The International Club is a vibrant gathering of students from diverse cultural backgrounds as well as those interested in global cultures. This club promotes cultural awareness and appreciation through events, international food days, and language exchange sessions. It’s a fantastic way for students to broaden their global perspective, celebrate diversity, and build a more inclusive community.


CUFI, or Christians United for Israel, is a club focused on fostering support and understanding for Israel through educational programs and advocacy. Members learn about Israel’s political, cultural, and spiritual significance and participate in various outreach programs. This club provides a platform for students to engage in meaningful discussions and advocate for peace and understanding.

Learn more about the co-curricular opportunities at The Rock School.

Each of our clubs is a gateway to exploring personal interests and developing essential life skills. We encourage all students to get involved and take full advantage of the opportunities these clubs offer. Schedule a visit to learn more about what clubs could look like for your student.

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