Fine & Performing Arts at The Rock School

Where every student is an artist, image-bearer, and co-creator.

Explore the transformative power of the arts at The Rock School.

Whether a student is a budding artist or an experienced creator, our program offers a platform to develop their skills, express their vision, and engage with a community that values joy, delight, wonder, and the profound story of God’s redemption.

Join us in this creative journey as we use the arts to reflect the glory and goodness of God and to share His story with others. Welcome to a place where art meets faith and community.

Artistic Expression for the Glory of God


In our music programs students learn a variety of musical styles, genres, modalities, and instruments, fostering a deep appreciation for the power and potential of music in art and worship.

Offered in grades K-12.

Visual Arts

Our visual arts programs encourage students to express their unique visions through mediums such as painting, drawing, and sculpture, to create works that reflect the beauty of God’s creation.

Offered in grades K-12.


Our theatre program provides students with the tools to perform, direct, and produce dramatic works that illuminate human and divine narratives, promoting an understanding of cultural and spiritual stories.

Offered in grades 6-12


Our dance program combines technical training with creative choreography, allowing students to express stories and emotions through movement, celebrating dance as an act of worship.

Offered in grades 6-12.


I’ve always had a love for plays, and the TRS theatre program has encouraged, inspired, and grown that passion. Every show I’ve been in has taught me something, not just about theatre, but about life and what it takes to truly succeed. When I had the dream of writing, directing, and acting in my own play, everyone was very supportive! I will forever be grateful to all of the people who made it a reality…
grade 10
Being in Visual Arts taught me many techniques that I never even thought about using before. Visual arts allowed me to use the God-given talent of creating art to share a message that everyone could relate to at the Springs Arts Showcase. It was a great opportunity to step out and share a talent many people didn’t know I had!
grade 11

A Vision for The Arts at The Rock School

A high school student focuses intently on her artwork whilst adding color with colored pencils.

Creating with Purpose

In every arts classroom at The Rock School, creation is the heartbeat of learning. Our students engage in generating and conceptualizing artistic ideas, supported by a structured environment provided by our teachers.

Through collaboration and weekly reflection, students refine their work, enhancing both their creative and procedural skills. This dynamic process helps them develop the aesthetic and technical prowess necessary for meaningful artistic expression.

Performance and Presentation

Our students are not just creators but also performers and presenters. They are taught to select, analyze, and interpret artistic works for presentation, honing their curatorial skills to influence culture effectively.

Competence in various crafts is developed as they refine their techniques and prepare their work for presentation to peers and authentic audiences. This aspect of our program allows for the exploration of a broad spectrum of human experiences—emotion, spirituality, beauty, and redemption—through the arts.

Students practice their musical instruments in a group setting during school.
A high school student develops his ability to shade his art in art class.

Responsive Interpretation

Our arts curriculum includes a diverse array of artistic works from different cultures, time periods, and styles, enabling students to expand their perceptions and analytical skills.

Through teacher-led modeling and practice, students learn to interpret the intent and meanings behind these works. This fosters an empathetic approach within our community, encouraging students to think beyond themselves and appreciate the value of artistic endeavors through thoughtful assessment.

Connecting Through Art

At The Rock School, we view creative actions and artifacts as vital tools for personal expression and societal impact. From an early age, our students learn to synthesize knowledge and personal experiences to create art that resonates.

As they grow, they are encouraged to connect artistic ideas and works with societal, cultural, and historical contexts. This deepens their understanding and acknowledges their role in God’s ongoing narrative in the world.

An elementary student paints a sculpture pink that she made in art class.

Learn more about the Arts at The Rock School.

We believe in nurturing creativity and expression through the arts, grounded in our mission to make disciples of Jesus and to courageously participate in God’s redemptive work in the world. Our arts program is designed to cultivate the knowledge, skills, and attitudes required to transform our community and beyond. Contact our Fine Arts Director to learn more.

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